Today is December 14, 2007. Kylene was born 24 years ago today. This is the first time we will be spending this day without her since she first graced our lives in 1983. The doctors then told us she would be lucky to live past infancy, and be luckier still if she were able to talk and function with any degree of normalcy. But she was lucky. And, through having her in our lives, so were we. What has in the past been a day of joy and celebration has become bleak and lonely. I suppose we should try to turn it into a positive time of remembrance and celebration of the time we did have with her. Perhaps next year we will. But not today. The wounds are too fresh. The agony too raw. The sores still suppurating. We will be performing acts of remembrance today -- a visit to Kylene's gravesite and lunch at one of her favorite restaurants. And through the solemnity we will try to recall the many joys she gave us, as we know that she would not wish for thoughts of her to bring sadness, but rather joy. Kylene abhorred sadness. She much more preferred laughter and happiness. She hated to see anyone suffer. Anyone. She was just that type of girl. We love you, Kylene. Wherever you are now, may you have a happy birthday, as you celebrate now with our friends and loved ones who have also passed on. Now, since you are among them, they are the lucky ones. |
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This page was last updated December 14, 2007.